miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

Playstation 4 : la mise � jour 2.50 disponible demain

Playstation 4 : la mise � jour 2.50 disponible demain

Playstation 4 : la mise � jour 2.50 disponible demain

Posted: 25 Mar 2015 07:12 AM PDT

Sony va mettre ? disposition des joueurs Playstation 4 la nouvelle mise ? jour 2.50 ? compter de demain 26 mars.

Audioengine B2 : l'enceinte Bluetooth haut de gamme disponible en <b>...</b>

Posted: 25 Mar 2015 06:28 AM PDT

En effet, la norme LDAC (mise au point par Sony) permet la lecture via Bluetooth de fichiers audio en qualit? 96 kHz/24 bit. Le codec permet de passer outre la compression inh?rente ? une transmission via Bluetooth, en portant la bande ...

Samsung lancia la mirrorless NX500, con video in 4K, HEVC e <b>...</b>

Posted: 24 Mar 2015 06:05 AM PDT

... anche in acqua e ottimo in ogni occasione? Sony Xperia Z3, compralo al miglior prezzo da ePRICE a 470 euro. .... Se dovessi scegliere qualcosa di compatto, e con sensore da 1", cercherei una buona rx100 :D. Logan24 Mar 2015 @ 04:20.

Skiing at Snowbasin Utah - Scott O. Smith Photographer

Posted: 19 Mar 2015 12:14 PM PDT

Today's configuration: Sony RX100 Mark II. It's been a while since I've been able to ski. We've had a shortage of snow this year and with warmer then normal temperatures the ski resorts have had their work cut out for them to stay open.

Fujifilm XQ2 Review | PhotographyBLOG

Posted: 19 Mar 2015 08:30 AM PDT

This sensor is larger than those in most compact cameras and promises to deliver better image quality, although not the equal of a compact system camera or a DSLR, and not as big as the Sony RX100 series. We ran into some issues in ...

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