sábado, 27 de junio de 2015

wire service | Photography

wire service | Photography

wire service | Photography

Posted: 27 Jun 2015 08:16 AM PDT

... the Fujifilm XT-1 for Documentary Wedding Photography, Paul Rogers, 2015-06-26, 12:09. Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 IV added to studio test scene comparison, Articles: Digital Photography Review (dpreview.com), 2015-06-26, 11:50 ...

Might be adding an NX mini | Mu-43.com - Micro Four Thirds User <b>...</b>

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 08:45 PM PDT

It's the latest J model and seems Nikon has finally decided (or been able to) use the same sensor as in the RX100. There are 27 / 50 ... Is there any reason at all to go for an NX Mini instead of an RX100 (I or II)? When you're ... The Sony is " hideous". Remember this is for my non-gear-head wife. And since image quality is not going to suffer, I'm OK to oblige her sense of style. [IMG] If I thought she would ever use anything outside the standard ranges, I'd be worried. Click to expand.

De ce aş renunţa �n orice moment la DSLR pentru <b>Sony</b> α6000 <b>...</b>

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 02:15 PM PDT

Nu o s? fac o poveste acum despre primul meu aparat foto ?i cum am ajuns s? utilizez un DSLR, ci o s? zic c?teva cuvinte despre cum m-a cucerit Sony ?6000. 800 ... Sony lanseaz? noile camere RX100 IV ?i RX10 II · Sony ?6000, cea mai ...

Hasselblad non produrr� pi� versioni di lusso delle fotocamere <b>Sony</b>

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 11:23 AM PDT

Lunar era basata sulla mirrorless Sony NEX-7, Stellar sulla compatta RX100 e HV sulla SLT A99. La sostanza era assolutamente identica a quella delle rispettive controparti Sony: Hasselblad, infatti, non apportava modifiche ai componenti, ...

Archos PC Stick mini-pc gepresenteerd - Portablegear.nl

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 05:15 AM PDT

Sony Xperia M4 Aqua te koop in Nederland ... Sony Xperia T3: "De Sony Xperia T3 Style is, als je niet voor het grote formaat ..." Lees test ? ... Sony Xperia Z3 Plus: "De Sony Xperia Z3+ is een prima - maar met een prijs van 699 euro ook .

Microsoft Sway maintenant disponible sur iPhone et iPad

Posted: 25 Jun 2015 11:39 PM PDT

... Adobe d?voile l'?dition 2015 de Creative Cloud & lance la banque d'images Adobe Stock · Sony d?voile le RX100 IV, et le RX10 II, deux nouveaux appareils photo qui filment en 4K · Sony Alpha 7R II : nouveau capteur BSI de 42 millions de ...

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