sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015

Ken Rockwell's Photography News - KenRockwell.com

Ken Rockwell's Photography News - KenRockwell.com

Ken Rockwell's Photography News - KenRockwell.com

Posted: 28 Aug 2015 02:28 PM PDT

My Sony RX100 IV is terribly hard to setup and configure due to the world's-worst menu system loaded with more garbage than a hoarder's garage, and there are too many clicks needed to swap from one memory setting to the next. It needs its ...

<b>RX100</b> Mark IV : mont�e ISO et premi�res images - Les Num�riques

Posted: 28 Aug 2015 07:01 AM PDT

... le voil?, le RX100 quatri?me du nom prend la rel?ve. En attendant le test complet, nous avons r?alis? la mont?e ISO du dernier n? qui, rappelons-le, embarque une nouvelle g?n?ration de capteur : un CMOS Exmor RS. Sony RX100 IV.

REVIEW: <b>Sony RX100</b> IV–The Best Point and Shoot Just Got Better

Posted: 26 Aug 2015 12:00 AM PDT

One of my long-standing complaints of Sony RX series cameras was their love affair with 1/30 or 1/60 sec shutter speeds when using Program and Aperture Priority modes. The RX100 IV features at the bottom of the fourth group of camera ...

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