sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2015

Sony RX100 IV Cyber-shot shoots superb video (Test) | Expert Lenses

<b>Sony RX100</b> IV Cyber-shot shoots superb video (Test) | Expert Lenses

<b>Sony RX100</b> IV Cyber-shot shoots superb video (Test) | Expert Lenses

Posted: 11 Sep 2015 09:48 AM PDT

Sony RX100 IV Cyber-shot shoots superb video (Test) Sony has the mirrorless world abuzz these days. It seems when it comes to camera innovation in recent years. Especially in 2015, all roads point to Sony. I've been testing Sony's latest ...

<b>Sony RX100</b> IV Hands-on Review | SonyFF.com

Posted: 07 Sep 2015 04:54 PM PDT

The RX100 IV (http://bit.ly/rx100iv) packs a lot of features into a tiny little camera body ? with 4k video capability, a 20-megapixel stacked sensor, optical stabilisation ? but what is it like to shoot with? Pricing Reference:

<b>Sony RX100</b> IV Field Test: Plenty of power in your pocket | SonyFF <b>...</b>

Posted: 04 Sep 2015 06:54 PM PDT

Touring around the beautiful vistas of New England, Jeremy's in-depth Sony RX100 IV Field Test provides an all-over look at Sony's fourth-generation RX100-series pocket cam. Sporting a brand new 20.1-megapixel 1-inch-sensor with a ...

<b>RX100</b> Mark IV : mont�e ISO et premi�res images - Les Num�riques

Posted: 28 Aug 2015 07:01 AM PDT

... le voil?, le RX100 quatri?me du nom prend la rel?ve. En attendant le test complet, nous avons r?alis? la mont?e ISO du dernier n? qui, rappelons-le, embarque une nouvelle g?n?ration de capteur : un CMOS Exmor RS. Sony RX100 IV.

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