miércoles, 6 de enero de 2016

CES 2016: Panasonic Announces Two Competitive New 4K Video ...

CES 2016: Panasonic Announces Two Competitive New 4K Video <b>...</b>

CES 2016: Panasonic Announces Two Competitive New 4K Video <b>...</b>

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 08:57 AM PST

Compare the ZS60 to other Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 series cameras and again, the Panasonic alternative is competitive on features and cost, with the possible exception of the Sonys' high upper level ISO limit and slightly more ...

The Best Tech Deals We Can Find | The Wirecutter

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 08:05 AM PST

Because we think we can make a small difference by being picky, here are some great deals on solid pieces of gear. We'll always put the newest deals at the top of the page. Follow us on Twitter at @wirecutterdeals to see any updates we ...

The 2015 Popular Photography Camera of the Year: <b>Sony</b> A7R II

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 07:51 AM PST

Last night at the PMDA awards ceremony held at CES 2016 in Las Vegas, the Sony A7R II was announced as the 2015 Camera of the Year. There was quite a bit of.

Panasonic TZ100 vs Panasonic TZ80 vs Panasonic TZ70 - What <b>...</b>

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 06:37 AM PST

Other small one-inch type cameras, such as the Canon G7X or the Sony RX100 IV, feature a relatively limited optical zoom lens. However, the TZ100 offers an equivalent of 25-250mm, or 10x optical zoom, bringing it into travel zoom territory.

Nikon D500 � la nuova reflex sempre connessa con video in Ultra HD

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 06:16 AM PST

Non a tutti va bene il formato FF, in molti tipi di fotografia particolari (che non siano paesaggi o simili) ? prediletto il formato APS-C non il FF. Allora chi compra per esempio una Sony RX100 IV a 1100? che ha un sensore di 1" (un pollice) ? ...

<b>Sony</b>, Yeni Turntable Duyurdu! | SanalData | G�ncel Teknoloji <b>...</b>

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 05:11 AM PST

CES 2016'da tan?t?lan PS-HX500 modeli Sony turntable ile birlikte, m?zi?in kalitesi biraz da nostalji yap?larak yakalanmaya ?al???l?yor. Siyah.

Lumix DMC-TZ101: Panasonic zeigt einen Konkurrenten f�r Sonys <b>...</b>

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 01:24 AM PST

Sony hat mit der RX100-Serie eine Kompaktkamera mit hoher Bildqualit?t, geringen Ma?en und einem 1-Zoll-Sensor im Programm, die nun Konkurrenz bekommt. P.

5th Annual Ocean Art Underwater Photo Contest Winners <b>...</b>

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 12:08 AM PST

Compact Marine Life Behavior Category. 1st Place, marine life behavior - Jack Berthomier. Shot in Ouemo Bay, Noumea. 1st Place, marine life behavior ? Jack Berthomier. Shot in Ouemo Bay, Noumea, New Caledonia with Sony RX100.

CES Video: Nikon's Mark Soares talks about the D5 and D500 <b>...</b>

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 12:00 AM PST

It is CLEAR where that model sits within that series, but more than that, if someone says 'get a RX100' or 'you should look at a 5D' then it is just the latest iteration of that camera rather than a new model number they've never heard of. This is especially a good idea (as above) with particularly popular ... Well, these are not Sony cameras that get updated twice a year, but I'm sure that the street prices will drop sooner than later. Also, if a camera is really good, why not use it until it breaks ...

Nikon rolls into the action cam space with a 4K, 360-degree shooter

Posted: 05 Jan 2016 07:34 PM PST

Phase One and Sony develop 100 MP full-frame medium format CMOS sensor · 2015 Action Camera Comparison Guide · FPS1000: The low cost, high speed slow-mo camera. Technology. 3D Printing · Computers · Digital Cameras · Drones ...

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