miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

Pieni� ihmeit�: Sonyn uusi Action Cam Mini mahdollistaa uusia ...

Pieni� ihmeit�: Sonyn uusi Action Cam Mini mahdollistaa uusia <b>...</b>

Pieni� ihmeit�: Sonyn uusi Action Cam Mini mahdollistaa uusia <b>...</b>

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 08:51 AM PDT

Siirt?m?ll? GPS-yksik?n rannekelaitteeseen Sony on pystynyt pienent?m??n kameran kokoa merkitt?v?sti, joka mahdollistaa Action Cam Mini HDR-AZ1VR -kameran pikkuruisen koon. Uuden, intuitiivisen Action Cam Movie Creator -ohjelman ...

<b>Sony</b> laajentaa Lens Style -linssikameramallistoaan ja esittelee <b>...</b>

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 08:22 AM PDT

Sony laajentaa Lens Style -linssikameramallistoaan ja esittelee uuden vaihdettavien objektiivien konseptin. Julkaistu 3.9.2014. ILCE-QX1-linssikamera on varustettu suurella APS-C Exmor?-kennolla sek? edistyneill? kameratoiminnoilla; ...

<b>Sony</b> QX1 Lens Camera Has Large Sensor, Swaps Lenses | Digital <b>...</b>

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 08:15 AM PDT

Sony announces the QX1 interchangeable lens camera, QX30 lens camera with a 30x zoom, and the compact Action Cam Mini. ... Sony Alpha A7S review. Our Score 8. Sony Cybershot RX100 Mark III front angle lens extended ...

First Impressions: <b>Sony</b> QX30

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 08:00 AM PDT

Basically, Sony wanted to create a superzoom of sorts. In fact, this one goes from 24mm to 720mm. That means that you'll have a much easier time at the baseball game. To be honest, even though the QX-30 isn't smaller than the RX 100 Mk III ...

​<b>Sony</b> QX1: A Weird Interchageable-Lens Camera You Strap to <b>...</b>

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 08:00 AM PDT

?Sony QX1: A Weird Interchageable-Lens Camera You Strap to Your Phone. The difference is that while the QX10 and QX100 used the sensors and lenses from existing point-and-shoot compacts like the RX100 II, the QX1 has a 20.1 ...

<b>Sony</b> concibe una Action Cam Mini de 60 gramos | Quesabesde

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 07:48 AM PDT

Nueva vuelta de tuerca a la incipiente saga de c?maras de acci?n de Sony. Si la HDR-AS100 se estren? hace unos meses con un notable salto en el apartado ...

<b>Sony</b> втиснула беззеркальную камеру в объектив для iPhone

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 07:18 AM PDT

???? ??????????????? ???? ????????? ?? ???? ??????????? ???????????? Sony RX?100, ?? ? ?????? QX1 ???? ????? ?????? NEX/Alpha. ?????????? ???????? ?????? ??????? APC-S ? ????????? ??????? E-Mount. ????? ???? ...

Piaw's Blog: First Impressions: Xperia Z1, Z Ultra Phones

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 06:06 AM PDT

The shutter button is laggy in that it takes a second or two before the phone wakes up and goes into photo mode, but that's comparable to the shutter lag on even a high end point and shoot such as the Sony RX100. When you push the shutter, ...

Canon G1 X Mark II y <b>Sony RX100</b> III: comparativa

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 05:14 AM PDT

Por fuera no se parecen demasiado, y lo cierto es que las similitudes internas tampoco las har?an pasar por gemelas. Una es una compacta de bolsillo con visor integrado; otra, una compacta de tama?o y aspecto contundente que carece de ...

John's Island: More Dahlias -- September, 2014

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 05:00 AM PDT

Ut Oh! We had forgotten our trusty camera ... the Sony RX100. Well, we had the cell phone so we had to put it to use. Back home, we downloaded the pics to the computer and took a look to see about putting them here on the Island.

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