martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014

Zeiss-uutuudet Sony E-bajonetille |

Zeiss-uutuudet <b>Sony</b> E-bajonetille |

Zeiss-uutuudet <b>Sony</b> E-bajonetille |

Posted: 02 Sep 2014 09:35 AM PDT

Sen j?lkeen kun Sony julkaisi ensimm?isen peilitt?m?n t?yden kennon kameransa, on kysynt? siihen sopiville objektiiveille ollut suurta. N?iden erikoisobjektiivien julkaisua on sen vuoksi jo odotettu. Niiss? on mekaaninen aukons??t?, jota ...

The Shibaura Travel Tote From Jam Love Comes With Goodies <b>...</b>

Posted: 02 Sep 2014 09:08 AM PDT

... named ?The Shibaura Travel Tote? for the upcoming Fall/Winter collection, and filled it with a Vertu Signature Touch phone, Burberry Contrast Leather Zip around wallet, iPad Air, Sony Cyber-shot RX100 III camera and Gucci sunglasses.

Abandoned in Vall�e de la Tin�e | Normand Primeau Fine Art <b>...</b>

Posted: 02 Sep 2014 06:32 AM PDT

Leica M (Typ 240) + spare batteries x 2; Summicron-M 28mm, f2 ASPH; Summilux-M 50mm, f1.4 ASPH; Summicron-M 75mm, f1.2 ASPH; Olympus VF-2 Electronic View Finder; Sony RX100 + spare batteries x2; 64GB Sandisk Extreme Pro SD ...

Inside the UTMB | Tim Lloyd Photography Blog

Posted: 02 Sep 2014 06:20 AM PDT

Running with the Sony RX100 I found myself taking a couple of shots from around the course that you can see below. And what does competing in the race tell me of the understanding of the professional athletes that make this their job?

<b>Sony's</b> next smartphone-mounted camera will let you change lenses

Posted: 02 Sep 2014 06:04 AM PDT

Sony's niche-oriented lens camera lineup is currently fixed-lens only with the QX10 and QX100 models. The QX100, for instance, is based on Sony's fantastic RX100 camera and priced for serious smartphone photographers at $500.

<b>Sony</b>'nin yeni lens kamerasına ait fotoğraflar ortaya �ıktı - Teknoblog

Posted: 02 Sep 2014 05:40 AM PDT

sony-qx1-lens-kamera-020914-2. Sony'nin muhte?em kameras? RX100??n temelleri ?zerine in?a edilen QX100, ilham kayna??na yak?n bir fiyat etiketiyle sat??a sunulmu?tu. ILCE-QX1 ise QX100??n b?rakt??? miras?n ?zerine bir ?eyler daha ...

<b>Sony</b>'nin yeni akıllı telefon kamerasıyla harici lens kullanmak m�mk�n

Posted: 02 Sep 2014 05:34 AM PDT

... SONY ILCE-QX1 harici kameray? zaman?ndan evvel tan?tmas?yla dikkatimizi ?ekti. Daha ?nceleri piyasaya ??kan ve yeterli ba?ar?y? yakalayamayan QX10 ve QX100 ak?ll? telefon lenslerinin yerini alaca?? s?ylenen bu ayg?t, Sony RX100 ile ...

<b>Sony's</b> next smartphone-mounted camera will take interchangeable <b>...</b>

Posted: 02 Sep 2014 04:55 AM PDT

The QX100 is based on Sony's fantastic RX100 camera, with a similarly fantastic price of $500. Assuming this rumor pans out, the QX1 would have an even larger APS-C (26.7mm) sensor, and would take compatible E-Mount lenses. There's ...

格安SIMカードも新学期?様々な格安SIMカードが <b>...</b> - Nomad IT School

Posted: 02 Sep 2014 02:27 AM PDT

SONY??????RX100????????RX100 ????? ??????????SONY????????????RX100???????????RX100. ?????. ad1. ??????? ??????????. PREV: ?????????????SIM???? ...

Kamera 2nd <b>Sony</b> DSC <b>RX100</b> | Laptop Bekas - Laptop Second <b>...</b>

Posted: 02 Sep 2014 01:44 AM PDT

Kamera 2nd Sony DSC RX100 ( Hasil Setara DSLR ) Spesifikasi Sony DSC RX100 : 20 Mega Pixels 1080p60 video, (AVCHD) with MP4 option (50p in PAL regions) 1"-type Exmor CMOS sensor (13.2 x 8.8mm, 3:2 aspect ratio) 28-100mm ...

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