domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014

Bloguri interesante - Coltul fotomaniacului

Bloguri interesante - Coltul fotomaniacului

Bloguri interesante - Coltul fotomaniacului

Posted: 12 Oct 2014 07:27 AM PDT

Fujifilm X30 vs Sony RX100 M3 - The Fujifilm X30 is a clone of X20 camera, since it features same small sensor and image processor as of X20 camera, on the other side we have Sony RX100... Acum o or?. Photofocus · A Spider and His Web ...

Random Thoughts...: Stars

Posted: 12 Oct 2014 05:59 AM PDT

Stars. Stars... lots of stars. I took this with my Sony RX-100 at Ksar Ghilane early in the morning. The Milky Way is visible but faint; I could barely see it with the naked eye. Posted by totochi at 5:59 AM. Labels: Travel, Tunisia ...

Photos, Updates, and Rants. | Inter-de-pendent

Posted: 12 Oct 2014 01:41 AM PDT

All photographs are taken by me with the Sony RX100 or itouch camera. Please let me know how they are. Love to hear pointers and learn new things for the camera. I know it's not a DSLR, that's too much for me right now. Thank you :).

Nikon potrebbe lanciare una fotocamera compatta con sensore da 1 <b>...</b>

Posted: 12 Oct 2014 01:00 AM PDT

Si pu? spendere quasi la met? per una sony RX100 III con sensore da un pollice, che vanta anche un mirino elettronico e schermo orientabile .... mentre attorno ai 1000 dollari ci sono camere "compatte" con sensore aps-c come la Fuji x100s ...

ラーメン二郎 環七一之江店 その二十二 - 元・【東京】江戸御府内八十八 <b>...</b>

Posted: 12 Oct 2014 12:00 AM PDT

?????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????3?3?????????45??GIOS AMPIO TIAGRA?Nikon D7100?SONY DSC-RX100 ?????? ????. ?????. ??

Reflekt � electronic games! - Top 10 Laptop Brands

Posted: 11 Oct 2014 10:21 PM PDT

So I chose just one of the board games that I play on the iPad, and took a macro of the screen using the Sony RX100. Posted by ... Tagged: , Sony , RX100 , Elisafox22 , Macro Mondays , Games/toys , iPad , board , game , Reflekt. Posted in ...

比價王SwitchEasy Wrap iPhone 6 4.7吋超薄可立式保護套介紹推薦

Posted: 11 Oct 2014 08:50 PM PDT

SONY Xperia Z3 ?????+??????????????????????????????????????????????????... ???? · ?????? iStyle iPhone6 4.7?????????? ??PC????????????? ...

【デジカメ】SIGMAのdp2 Quattroを購入 - スマートフォン王国ブログ!!

Posted: 11 Oct 2014 08:38 PM PDT

???????. ?????????????Nikon????????D700??????????????????SONY?????RX100???????????RX100?????????????????D700?????????????????????? ...

Nikon J1 review |

Posted: 11 Oct 2014 07:25 PM PDT

same sensor as the new RX100???? Reply ... I am currently thinking about upgrading from my point and shoot SONY ... The Nikon D3100 clinches it from Sony NEX and Nikon 1 cameras for image ... @iDroid7 I use Sony Vegas Pro. Reply.

Capture One Pro 8.0.1 Build 19 - QueChinga! Ingenier�a Inversa

Posted: 11 Oct 2014 11:47 AM PDT

Sony A7S * Sony RX100 III * Sony A77 II * Sony A5100 * Sony NEX-VG20 * Sony NEX-VG30 * Sony NEX-VG900 * Sony QX-1 * Sony A560 * Sony A290 * Sony A37 * Fujifilm X30 (preliminary) Camera Tethered Support * Phase One IQ150

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