jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

The $800 Camera I Didn't Use To Share My Hawaiian Vacation Photos

The $800 Camera I Didn't Use To Share My Hawaiian Vacation Photos

The $800 Camera I Didn't Use To Share My Hawaiian Vacation Photos

Posted: 13 Oct 2014 11:10 AM PDT

My wife loves technology. Hell, she spotted the job posting that landed me my first tech writing gig. She also loves sharing snapshots with friends. So when I told her that the Sony RX100 III could sling amazing selfies to Instagram with a tap of ...

Canon G7X review � a worthy rival to the <b>Sony RX100</b> III! - blog <b>...</b>

Posted: 13 Oct 2014 09:20 AM PDT

Sony RX100 II review first look: Best gets better with groundbreaking sensor, viewfinder support and more Last summer, the debut of the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 answered... Sony RX100 Review ? DSLR in a Pocket Body? ? Does it suck ...

<b>Sony RX100</b> III a "pocket full of miracles" - Boing Boing

Posted: 13 Oct 2014 07:58 AM PDT

pSNYNA-DSCRX100M3B_alternate3_v786 Wired reviews the RX100 III, the latest version of Sony's high-end pocket camera. Improvements are praised all-around, particularly the "stunning" 50Mbps video. So in which cases should you buy ...

<b>Sony RX100</b> mark III vs Canon 5D mark III Camera Review and <b>...</b>

Posted: 12 Oct 2014 03:03 PM PDT

Sony RX100 mark III vs Canon 5D mark III shot out video and breakdown - Review and comparison of video quality and functions for film and photography.

New <b>Sony RX-100</b> MK III book by Gary Friedmann! | sonyalpharumors

Posted: 12 Oct 2014 01:28 AM PDT

All RX100M3 owners can now buy a great book to learn more about their camera. Gary Friedmann just released the complete RX100m3 guide available in DRM-free, .pdf, .mobi, and .epub (and a new process for creating the e-reader formats ...

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