domingo, 27 de diciembre de 2015

Pentax Q-S1 incelemesi - LOG

Pentax Q-S1 incelemesi - LOG

Pentax Q-S1 incelemesi - LOG

Posted: 27 Dec 2015 02:00 AM PST

Samsung NX1 incelemesi · Sony RX100 III. Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 III incelemesi · Samsung'dan duygusal emoji serisi · McLaren P1 GTR m? Ferrari FXX K mi? S?per otomobillerin motor sesleri yar??t? [Video] ...

<b>Sony</b> could make a smarter charger? | Colin Charles Agenda

Posted: 26 Dec 2015 09:58 PM PST

But when it comes to taking a family vacation, I whip out the Sony RX100 III. From comparisons, it doesn't seem like I would benefit too much from the RX100 IV, since a lot of the improvements seem to be around video which I tend not to take.

An�lisis del Moto X Style a fondo | Tekn�filo

Posted: 26 Dec 2015 11:32 AM PST

Particularmente encontramos el dise?o del Moto X Style algo tosco, sobre todo si lo comparamos frente a otros tel?fonos de gama alta con un aspecto m?s sofisticado, como los ?ltimos tel?fonos de Apple, Samsung o Sony. El aspecto del ...

REKLAMY telefon�w kom�rkowych sprzed 15 lat -

Posted: 26 Dec 2015 03:41 AM PST

Je?eli mia?bym nosi? jakie? dodatkowe cz??ci, to lepiej wzi?? ze sob? podobnej wagi bezlusterkowca lub dobry kompakt w rodzaju RX100. A co do bezkablowego pod??czania smartfona w samochodzie to od kilku .... Moj? pierwsz? kart? SIM z Idei, kt?rej u?ywa?em w Nokii 3310 i Nokii 6280, musia?em wymieni? na now? 3G jak zmieni?em telefon na Sony Ericssona C902 i zachcia?o mi si? przegl?da? net. Potem w Samsungu Galaxy Ace dzia?a?a bez problemu, potem zmieni?em ...

Confronto Fotografico tra 5 smartphone non noti. Votate e decidete il <b>...</b>

Posted: 26 Dec 2015 01:00 AM PST

... scandaloso. Se solo Sony ci degnasse del RAW :| .... su amazon a 290euro c'? la Rx 100 di sony che ? un capolavoro di ingegneria (? una compatta) con lenti carl zeiss e volendo hai anche la possibilit? dei controlli manuali. Le uniche ...

Tablety na šesť sp�sobov | touchIT

Posted: 25 Dec 2015 08:38 AM PST

Pri poh?ade na aktu?lny trh, drah?? je u? iba Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet, ktor?ho Wi-Fi verzia za??na na ?rovni 629 eur. Ostatn? tablety, ktor? spadaj? u? do strednej .... Dnes (06:47) So Sony RX100 Cyber-shot IV urob?te kr?sne spomalen? vide? ...

So <b>Sony RX100</b> Cyber-shot IV urob�te kr�sne spomalen� vide� <b>...</b>

Posted: 24 Dec 2015 09:47 PM PST

Sony Cyber-shot RX 100 IV je asi najlep?? kompakt, ak? sme mali v ruke. Jeho z?kladom je sn?ma? Exmor RS CMOS s vylep?en?m spracovan?m digit?lneho sign?lu a.

<b>Sony</b> Will Be the Major Player in the Photo Industry, Says Sigma's CEO

Posted: 23 Dec 2015 11:53 AM PST

Sigma CEO Kazuto Yamaki has done quite a good job at boosting his brand's reputation in the world of photography over the past few years, as the company's.

The <b>Sony</b> Rx1R Mark II. Ballet, Bikinis, The President and More! By <b>...</b>

Posted: 23 Dec 2015 08:49 AM PST

And the Sony is so small and light I am able to carry it around my neck at the same time I have a DSLR attached to a 70-200mm or 85mm 1.4 lens around my shoulder. This gives me focal ... The new Sony RX1R and RX100 II! The R stands for ...

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