jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015

RUMOR - Tekn�filo

RUMOR - Tekn�filo

RUMOR - Tekn�filo

Posted: 17 Dec 2015 07:59 AM PST

Con la llegada del Sony Xperia Z5 Premium, Sony introdujo las pantallas 4K en el mercado de los smartphones. Los m?s puristas dir?n que no es realmente una pantalla 4K, ya que la mayor parte del tiempo no utiliza esta resoluci?n, pero no ...

Le lancement du <b>Sony</b> RX1R II finalement report� � janvier 2016

Posted: 17 Dec 2015 05:54 AM PST

Si vous comptiez trouver un Sony RX1R II au pied de votre sapin la semaine prochaine, cela risque d'?tre un peu plus compliqu? que pr?vu. En effet, par un communiqu? officiel sur son site, Sony Japon annonce, tr?s discr?tement, le report ...

World of Information.: Digital Photography Review Newsletter <b>...</b>

Posted: 17 Dec 2015 04:30 AM PST

Jeff Keller has been shooting, testing and comparing the Canon PowerShot G5 X - the company's third 1"-type enthusiast compact and the one whose specs most closely match the latest Sony RX100 series models. How does the G5 X stack ...

12/18終了 自動延長なしヤフオク - ヤフオクは自動延長なしを狙え!

Posted: 17 Dec 2015 04:00 AM PST

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????12/18 ???????????? ?Apple?Apple iPod nano 16GB ???? MD478J/A.

12/18終了 日中夜間ヤフオク | ヤフオクは自動延長なしを狙え!

Posted: 17 Dec 2015 04:00 AM PST


promotions - code PROMO

Posted: 17 Dec 2015 01:37 AM PST

CEE8 Appareil photo num?rique 20,2 Mpix Zoom optique 3. Sony DSC-RX100.CEE8 Appareil photo num?rique 20,2 Mpix Zoom optique... de Sony. Prix conseill? : EUR 500,00. Prix : EUR 329,99. ?conomisez : EUR 170,01 (34%) ...

Christmas Camera Gifts For Beginners Who Want To Become Pros <b>...</b>

Posted: 16 Dec 2015 05:45 PM PST

The Sony RX100 Mark II does many of the amazing things a DSLR kit with three lenses can do in one manageable package. It has a 28-100 f/1.8-4.9mm lens and the one-inch size sensor means image quality above and beyond a smartphone ...

Nie wiesz jaki aparat kupić? Ja już wybrałem Nikona. Oto dlaczego <b>...</b>

Posted: 16 Dec 2015 02:31 AM PST

b1 - Sony RX100 od I do III, aczkolwiek ja poni?ej Mark3 bym nie schodzi?, jego najwi?ksz? wad? jest niemal tr?jka z przodu w cenie (i obecno?? LX100 Panasonika, ale ten jest sporo wi?kszy) b2 - Panasonic LX7. Na rynku since 2012, a do ...

The Visual Science Lab.: What's on your "photographic" Holiday <b>...</b>

Posted: 15 Dec 2015 12:54 PM PST

is want a set of 3 of the nissin d7100a flashes for sony and the wireless controller, some v flats, a big diffuser scrim, and some kind of fancy led continuous lighting .... RX10.2 just because the RX100.4 has me addicted to the flat profile (PP7)

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