miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

Daily Inspiration #813 By Ciaran Reilly | STEVE HUFF PHOTOS

Daily Inspiration #813 By Ciaran Reilly | STEVE HUFF PHOTOS

Daily Inspiration #813 By Ciaran Reilly | STEVE HUFF PHOTOS

Posted: 13 May 2015 07:51 AM PDT

Hi Brandon & Steve, I'm a long-time reader and now I'm very happy to send in my first submission to your great site! I really enjoy visiting daily to.

Xperia A4 : <b>Sony</b> d�voile un smartphone dot� d'un capteur de 20,7 <b>...</b>

Posted: 13 May 2015 06:39 AM PDT

Le nouveau smartphone d?voil? par Sony et qui devrait sortir d?s le mois prochain au Japon est le Xperia A4, un smartphone qui viendra se positionner sur le milieu de gamme mais qui a des attraits de photophone avec son APN dot? d'un ...

WTSell: Lens - <b>Sony Sony</b> Sonnar FE 35mm f/2.8 ZA lens - BuySell <b>...</b>

Posted: 13 May 2015 03:58 AM PDT

Equipment Model: Sony Sonnar FE 35mm f/2.8 ZA lens. Price (S$): 599.95. Description: Condition: Still very new and rarely used lens item description: ? Made for Sony A7, A7mk2, A7R, A7s mirror-less full-frame cameras ? Sony Sonnar FE ...

2015年5月13日星期三 - 歡迎來到鹿營小子趴趴GO;

Posted: 12 May 2015 07:00 PM PDT

???????????DC~Canon S80?Fuji F 100f d?Panasonic DMC-LX3?Sony RX100?Sony RX 100M3 ??????????????????????????????Olympus TG-3?????????????????? 4. F2.0???? ...

Ken Rockwell's Photography News

Posted: 12 May 2015 03:25 PM PDT

Sony A7 Series Camera Deals: Starting at $998 after a $700 Instant Rebate. ..... Sony DSC-RX100 with 16GB Class 10 SDHC Card, Sony LCJ-RXF Jacket Case & Sony BC-TRX Battery Charger: $398.00 with Free Expedited Shipping.

Un conocido analista considera que el rumor sobre un Snapdragon <b>...</b>

Posted: 12 May 2015 01:07 PM PDT

El Sony Xperia Z3 llevar? un procesador Snapdragon 801 y pantalla 1080p [RUMOR]. Ayer publicamos la pantalla de informaci?n del Sony Xperia Z3 Compact, y hoy traemos otra pantalla similar que en este caso proviene del Sony Xperia ...

Dynamic range test added to Canon EOS 5DS R First Impressions <b>...</b>

Posted: 11 May 2015 02:46 PM PDT

In other words, the DR problem is only an issue at low ISO, and the reason is the same as for all Canons, namely they don't use dedicated column ADCs like Sony do on the smaller pixel chips (D750 and D810). LIKE0. REPLY. Flag as inappropriate. jonby. By jonby (3 hours ago). Despite all the Canon bashing .... I just crazy glued 4 rx100 sensors and put them in a toothpick frame for 80.4MP total. The results are indeed spectacular compared to this. Comment edited 20 seconds after ...

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