jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015

Sony RX100 Review: This Camera Singlehandedly Makes Point ...

<b>Sony RX100</b> Review: This Camera Singlehandedly Makes Point <b>...</b>

<b>Sony RX100</b> Review: This Camera Singlehandedly Makes Point <b>...</b>

Posted: 28 May 2015 08:11 AM PDT

If the Sony RX100 was announced, its one-inch sensor and f/1.8 breach seemed too adequate to be true. Near-DSLR adeptness arranged into a physique the admeasurement of a bunched point-and-shoot camera? What's the catch?

Xperia Z3 Plus supports many manual camera settings; RAW still <b>...</b>

Posted: 27 May 2015 03:29 PM PDT

Many of us were disappointed when we learned that Sony Mobile did not support manual camera settings through the Camera2 API within Android 5.0 Lollipop. However, it looks as if .... Hey do you forgot rx100 m2 ? m3 ? I have m2 and it kill ...

SMS : Un simple iMessage permet de faire planter l'iPhone

Posted: 27 May 2015 06:56 AM PDT

Une faille pr?sente au sein d'iOS ferait planter les iPhone qui re?oivent un SMS ou un iMessage de caract?res sp?ciaux.

Microsoft Office-apps op Android-tablets - Portablegear.nl

Posted: 27 May 2015 05:19 AM PDT

Microsoft heeft een nieuwe lijst van 20 partners bekend gemaakt, die voortaan Microsoft-apps op Android-tablets zullen voorinstalleren. Onder deze merken zijn onder meer LG, Sony en Prestigio.

Cortana, l'assistant vocal Microsoft aussi sur Android et iOS

Posted: 27 May 2015 02:46 AM PDT

Microsoft vient d'annoncer l'arriv?e de son assistant vocal Cortana sur Android ? compter de fin juin 2015 puis sur iOS un peu plus tard dans l'ann?e.

<b>Sony</b> anuncia el Xperia Z3+, una versi�n ligeramente mejorada del <b>...</b>

Posted: 26 May 2015 09:35 AM PDT

Cuando Sony anunci? el Xperia Z4, a muchos nos sorprendieron sus especificaciones y el hecho de que fuera anunciado en Jap?n, lo que llev? a especular sobre que este terminal no llegar?a a otras partes del Mundo. Parece que no ...

<b>Sony</b> Reannounces The Japanese Xperia Z4 As The Global Z3+ <b>...</b>

Posted: 26 May 2015 04:51 AM PDT

Sony has just announced the follow-up to its flagship device, the... why does it feel like I've written this story before? Oh, because I have. So a month after making its Xperia Z4 official in Japan, Sony is taking that device and releasing it with a ...

<b>Sony</b> komt met Z3+ - Portablegear.nl

Posted: 26 May 2015 02:23 AM PDT

Sony breidt haar Z3 serie uit met de Z3+, een waterdichte 5,2-inch smartphone, die exclusief door T-Mobile gevoerd gaat worden.

Wiko : le nouveau Highway Pure 4G arrive le 10 juin en France

Posted: 26 May 2015 01:37 AM PDT

On y retrouvera ?galement un espace de stockage de 16 Go, toujours utile pour sauvegarder les photos et vid?os captur?es ? l'aide du capteur Sony 8 m?gapixels situ? au dos du terminal. A l'avant, on retrouvera une cam?ra 5 m?gapixels ...

El Asus ZenPad 8 se deja ver en im�genes filtradas - Tekn�filo

Posted: 25 May 2015 04:09 PM PDT

Hab?amos escuchado rumores sobre un nuevo tablet de Asus, el ZenPad 7, pero parece que la compa??a tiene m?s de un tablet bajo la manda. Unas supuestas im?genes de prensa que han aparecido hoy en Internet muestran un nuevo ...

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