miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015

Project CARS PS4 : la m�t�o hallucinante en vid�o de gameplay HD

Project CARS PS4 : la m�t�o hallucinante en vid�o de gameplay HD

Project CARS PS4 : la m�t�o hallucinante en vid�o de gameplay HD

Posted: 06 May 2015 07:11 AM PDT

... automobile d?velopp?e par Slightly Mad Studios s'est donn?e pour objectif d?s les pr?mices de son d?veloppement de venir surclasser les t?nors du genre que sont Forza Motorsport du c?t? de chez Microsoft, et Gran Turismo chez Sony.

<b>Sony</b> Xperia C4, un selfiephone de plus - Zone Numerique

Posted: 06 May 2015 05:47 AM PDT

Sony annonce la disponibilit? en juin prochain d'un nouveau smartphone, le Xperia C4, qui met l'accent sur les selfies.

Beats Music serait dans le collimateur de la FTC - Zone Numerique

Posted: 06 May 2015 02:25 AM PDT

La FTC surveillerait de pr?s les accords qui sont en train de se signer entre le futur service Beats Music d'Apple et les maisons de disque.

Apple TV : vers une t�l�commande dot�e d'un TouchPad ?

Posted: 06 May 2015 12:30 AM PDT

A d?faut d'Ultra HD 4K, le prochain boitier Apple TV pourrait disposer d'une toute nouvelle t?l?commande tactile.

インドレストラン シターラ - 元・【東京】江戸御府内八十八ヶ所順打ち巡礼 <b>...</b>

Posted: 06 May 2015 12:00 AM PDT

?????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????1???1??????????45??ANCHOR RS8?Nikon D7100?SONY RX100?

video playback has big delays and other video ?s - Lightroom Forums

Posted: 05 May 2015 08:35 PM PDT

Hi, I have a Sony DSC-RX100. I can shoot video either as MP4 or AVCHD. I chose the later b/c I thought it was higher quality. They show up as .mts file extensions. They playback fine on the camera but in LR the sound is fine, while the video ...

Confirmed: <b>Sony</b> a7RII or a6100 to be Announced on May 15th, 2015

Posted: 05 May 2015 06:17 PM PDT

Here are Sony a7RII and a6100 rumored specs: Sony a7RII: ... Sony a7RII Rumored Specs · Rumors: Sony a6100 Specs (No 4K Video, 24MP Sensor) · Confirmed: Sony a7R II, a6100, RX100 IV to be Announced in April / May ! Posted in Sony ...

Ken Rockwell's Photography News

Posted: 05 May 2015 01:50 PM PDT

Sony DSC-RX100 with 16GB Class 10 SDHC Card, Sony LCJ-RXF Jacket Case & Sony BC-TRX Battery Charger: $398.00 with Free Expedited Shipping. Canon 1,200mm f/5.6. B&H has a huge Canon 1,200mm f/5.6 for sale again. I've seen ...

SevenOak TV 15 Electronic Time Lapse Rotating Pan Head <b>...</b>

Posted: 05 May 2015 11:15 AM PDT

Sony Alpha DSLR SLT-A58. http://gearversity.com/deals/. Nikon D5300. http://gearversity.com/deals/. Tenba ProDigital 2.0. http://gearversity.com/deals/. Canon EOS Rebel SL1. http://gearversity.com/deals/. Oben CT-3521 Carbon Fiber Tripod ...

Keyword Smart Collections - Lightroom Forums

Posted: 05 May 2015 09:49 AM PDT

Join Date: Jul 2009; Location: Sweden; Posts: 1,437; Experience: Advanced; Main OS: Windows 7 64-bit; Memory: 16 GB; CPU Cores: 4; LR Version: CC; Camera: Nikon D700, Sony RX 100 mk III, Sony Nex 5N, iPhone, Olympus compact; File ...

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